911 -  Reflections

   "Reflections" was an exhibit representing my personal response to 911 and was presented in 2002. I was deeply impacted by the events of that day and felt an overwhelming need to respond through my work.  

I chose to make 220 (the combined number of floors of both Towers) small, round forms.  Each piece has a unique sound.  There are tiny, individual fragments of clay that when picked up, create a soft sound.  As each soul had its own special voice, so does each piece as they speak to us, together forever.  


The pieces were put through the "Raku" firing process over several weeks in the Spring of 2002.  The "blackness" of the finished piece is a result of the process used, which also conveys the "darkness" of the days events. 

The 220 different sized forms were placed into a large, steel I-beam (similar to ones used in the Towers).  The display was then lit very precisely to convey the essence of a "reflection" of  hope and peace for our future, even in our country's darkest hour. 

I chose to focus on the Twin Towers because it was the beginning........of the day that never ended. 

As a proud American, who cherishes our freedom and this country, I honor all those whose lives were lost on that horrific day.

The finished work was on display at Cedar Crest College in Allentown, Pennsylvania, 2002.